Case: State v. A.L.A. (Hillsborough County)
Charges: DUI with Crash
Date: April 13, 2023
Outcome: DUI REDUCED to Reckless Driving
Description: A.L.A. caused a serious motor vehicle accident. The on-scene video shows heavily damaged vehicles and various people bleeding and being evaluated by EMTs. Officers described A.L.A. as intoxicated with the classic DUI indicators. A.L.A. failed Field Sobriety Exercises, had some slurred speech on video, and refused to provide a breath sample. Ultimately, we negotiated an Adjudication of Guilt on a wet Reckless Driving. A.L.A. expressed enormous gratitude that we kept a DUI conviction off A.L.A.’s record. UPDATE: In December 2023, after A.L.A. completed all probation conditions, we applied for, and we granted, an early termination of probation at the halfway point.

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