In Florida, it is illegal to masturbate in public.  Unfortunately, that legal tidbit may have slipped by a Hernando County man.  This ABC news report details the 3:00 p.m. adventures between Mr. Johnson and a stuffed horse.

Luckily, the Walmart employees determined that the stuffed horse was deemed “unsellable.”

“Brooksville Police arrested man for using a stuffed toy to masturbate inside a Walmart on Tuesday.

According to police, Sean Johnson, 19, was caught on store cameras just before 3 p.m. acting suspiciously.
Johnson took a stuffed horse toy off the shelf and walked to the bedding department.  Police said Johnson then used the toy horse to masturbate.
The cameras then captured Johnson putting the toy covered in ejaculate back on the store shelf next to other items.  Those items were contaminated and deemed unsellable.
Police said Johnson ran from the store, but he was arrested a short time later.
He’s charged with indecent exposure and is being held on a $1500 bond at the Hernando County Jail.
Police said Johnson admitted to the act.”
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