Greater Tampa Law, P.L. handles all types of family law matters, including dissolution of marriage and establishment of paternity cases.

Family law issues can arise in all areas of the world.  This story comes to us from across the pond in Spain.  Apparently a woman went a little too far with the entertainment at her bachelorette party.  Nine months later, the new husband was less than pleased.  The article below details this unique family law adventure:
“According to a single source report, a man who performed during the woman’s pre-wedding bash may have fathered a child with the bride-to-be.

Apparently, the performer entertained the soon-to-be bride more enthusiastically later that night. All seemed well and the marriage went off without a hitch.  Shortly after the nuptials, the couple found out they were going to have a baby.

However, when the newborn was found to have dwarfism. LasCincoDelDia writes, “Neither her closest female friends or her family knew she had sex with the midget stripper, but once she had her son in her arms, she broke down and confessed what had happened.”

Neither parties have stepped forward to verify this report.

Essential Baby reports dwarfism can be caused by over 200 medical conditions, but none are as strong or common as genetics.

The Daily Mail reports dwarf entertainers, or “miniboys,” as they are called are common at Spanish pre-wedding parties. No word on whether or not the couple are still together.”

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